Book Interview with Anselm Grün published by Herder Verlag
Close and distant - Anselm Grün in interview with Jan Paulas and Jaroslav Šebek
A book talk of a known German author with Czech journalists is an original project of Carmelite Publishers of which, recently, the German text was published by Herder Verlag. Here reader can get to know better with the life story of this interesting personality. Meeting Anselm Grün doesn´t have to mean only meeting an experienced monk - something like „a journey into the monk´s soul” - but it can become also a meeting yourself. Which one of us doesn´t it?
Prokop Siostrzonek OSB
Hardcover, 180 pages
Collection: Interviews and Memoirs
Rights sold to: FR, DE, IT, ESP, NL, KOR, PL, CR
Sekce: Rights | Tisk | Poslat článek známému
Vítězná kniha - o kardinálu Františku Tomáškovi
Vítězem letošní literární ankety KT Dobrá kniha je monografie o kardinálu Františku Tomáškovi Hrdinou se člověk nerodí, ale stává, jejímž autorem je Jaroslav Šebek.
Hrdinou se člověk nerodí, ale stává