ON WISDOM by theologian and psychologian Prof. Krivohlavy in Croatian language
Prof. Jaro Křivohlavý devoted his whole professional life to theology and psychology from the perspective of quality of life. One of his recent books, On Wisdom, was published by the Croatian publisher Krscanska Sadasnjost during Christmas 2014...
...just in time when the 90-years old author peacefully passed away, surrounded by his family and friends. It summarizes a lifetime experience of a man who survived a Nazi concentration camp and Communist persecution. No wonder that among his other titles can also be found books about gratitude, forgiveness, happy marriage and family.
Autor: Vanda Bodová | Sekce: Rights | Tisk | Poslat článek známému
Vítězná kniha - o kardinálu Františku Tomáškovi
Vítězem letošní literární ankety KT Dobrá kniha je monografie o kardinálu Františku Tomáškovi Hrdinou se člověk nerodí, ale stává, jejímž autorem je Jaroslav Šebek.
Hrdinou se člověk nerodí, ale stává